$4,000.00 excluding tax

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Build Powerful Habits for a Positive Mind – INDIVIDUAL Program


  • Human Resources
  • Leadership


  • Grow
  • Solve


Empower yourself to be a better version of yourself! Positive Intelligence® is a mental fitness program that utilizes research based tools to empower wellness, performance, and healthy relationships by laying down new neural pathways that form lasting positive habits.

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A woman with short brown hair is smiling at the camera. She is wearing large, spiral-shaped silver earrings and a dark blazer. The background is plain white.
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Most attempts of positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits.
Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice. That’s what our program design empowers you to do. You get to build a foundation of mental fitness by strengthening three critical mental muscles to shift the balance of power from your saboteurs (your negative thoughts) to your inner Sage (your positive thoughts). This empowers you to deal with stress, be a better leader, master relationships, boost your performance and above all feel well.


  • 1 hour weekly video session from Shirzad Chamine, App based daily practices, 1 hour personal individual online coaching session with Sabine MacDonald


  • Decrease of negative thoughts (your saboteurs), increase of positive thoughts (your sage) which empower wellness, performance and healthy relationships

TIMING: 8 weeks

PRICE: Starting from $4,000.00 USD


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Sabine M.