$7,999.00 excluding tax

Business Value Foundations


  • Marketing


  • Grow
  • Launch


Discover what you do and why it matters, then create a series of messages that act as a framework for all business decisions and future communications.

John Trainor
From John T
Have questions?Send me a message or book a free consultation.


There is a spark of true, undeniable value at the heart of every successful business—it’s the difference you can make in the world; the purpose that pulls you out of bed; and the reason people will get excited about what you offer.

That spark is often felt, but rarely captured. When we try to explain what makes our thing special, the words feel hollow—like the spark slipped away. Struggling to communicate, we then get lost and spend thousands of dollars and countless hours compensating— creating flashy ads and websites to get attention; using perks and benefits to get employees to show up; devaluing the company to secure partners and investors.

So, the first thing I do with any client is capture that spark in words.

We’ll start with an in-depth discovery session to establish who you are, who you can help, and how you’ll improve their life. We’ll then create a series of messages—from a one-liner to your full Business Story—that will serve as a framework for business decisions and all future communications.

When you know how to talk about what you do, the rest comes easy, so talk to a Value Architect today!


  • Consultant will lead client through a two-hour Value Discovery Session
  • Consultant will create an insight report to capture key value messaging
  • Consultant will draft a Brand Story based on insights captured
  • Consultant will prepare a complete Messaging Bible, including:
    • Brand Story
    • Elevator Pitch
    • One-Liner
    • Brand Promise (8-10 words)
    • Product/Service Descriptions (short & long)


  • Discovery Session Insight Report
  • Brand Messaging Bible

TIMING: Please allow up to four weeks for final completion of Brand Messaging Bible. Exact timing to be confirmed at onset of project and may vary based on scope of feedback and revisions.


  • Client will provide insights into nature of their business and target market during Discovery Session
  • Client will provide timely feedback on Insight Report, Brand Story, and Messaging Bible
  • Revisions to be conducted as per the following:
    • 1x round of revisions on Insight Report
    • 1x round of revisions on Brand Story
    • 2x rounds of revisions on Messaging Bible

Additional information




Product Type


John T.


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