$600.00 excluding tax

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Product Strategy & Development


  • Business Strategy
  • Product & Design
  • Startups


  • Grow
  • Launch
  • Plan


Shaping the Future of Your Product with Data-Driven UX insights.

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A person with short black hair wearing a checkered shirt is looking straight at the camera with a neutral expression. The background is plain white.
From Amber L
Have questions?Send me a message or book a free consultation.



  • Consultant will dissect issues into smaller components while keeping sight of the broader business objectives.
  • Consultant will conduct competitor analysis to identify market positioning
  • Consultant will conduct user interview to discover insights for future product design
  • Consultant will develop persona, product roadmap and go-to-market strategy
  • Includes 4 – 6 live meetings/collaborative working sessions of 60 – 90 minutes


  • Proposal (MS PowerPoint/keynote exported into PDF),including key objectives, scope and the expected results of research.
  • Kick-off presentation (MS PowerPoint exported into PDF), including alignment on background & scope, key objectives and business priorities, Gantt Chart Project Plan and ways-of-working, reporting framework, project team roles and responsibilities, risks and assumptions)
  • Debrief (MS PowerPoint/keynote exported into PDF), summary the interviewing findings
  • Project Status Updates (MS PowerPoint/keynote exported into PDF), summary the user interview findings and review and align on overall progress and report on key issues, risks, actions and dependencies
  • Final Report and Strategy (MS PowerPoint/keynote exported into PDF), offer actionable design recommendations, prioritize user interface and system issues by severity level
  • All completed data collection templates and results

TIMING: This work typically requires 6-10 weeks to complete. A specific timeframe for execution will be agreed between Client and Consultant after purchase.


  • Entails a maximum of two revision cycles, incorporating Client’s input for both the proposal and the final report.
  • Client is expected to offer valuable critiques and direction during the review process.
  • Client agrees to evaluate and approve deliverables within a five-day period following the final submission.
  • Client shall supply necessary source materials and data, including licensed assets, company and brand guidelines, etc.
  • Requests exceeding the agreed scope or additional demands will necessitate a distinct Engagement.

PRICE: Starting from $600 USD.

Additional information


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Amber L.

Product Type