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Cansulta “Business of the Year” finalist at National Business Awards
Category: Cansulta, Small Business
Cansulta FINALIST for "Business of the Year" at 2023 CanadianSME National Business Awards
Cansulta FINALIST for “Business of the Year” at 2023 CanadianSME National Business Awards

Following the glorious Gala Awards event on the evening of Friday, June 7th, 2024, we are excited to share that Cansulta was confirmed as FINALIST for “Business of the Year” (50+ employees) at the 2023 National Business Awards.

Learn more about the CanadianSME National Business Awards at and discover all the finalists at

Photos from the event to be shared in the days and weeks to come!

About the CanadianSME National Business Awards

“The CanadianSME Business Awards pay tribute to the indispensable contribution of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to Canada’s booming economy. These Awards are intended to recognize, celebrate, and support entrepreneurs who have persevered to establish themselves in various fields successfully.

Canadian entrepreneurs aren’t just successful business operators but stand as pioneers and growth accelerators of our economy. As resilient catalysts for trade and commerce, they drive economic progress, becoming pillars that our communities are built upon.

The CanadianSME Business Awards signifies an annual event that celebrates these illustrious individuals across all industries who have made notable efforts to abet our national growth. Since their inception, we have had the honour to host hundreds of small business owners and commemorate over 350 unique and diverse enterprises from across Canada. As we eagerly await this year’s event, we stand firm in our commitment to cheer on and encourage our nation’s SMEs.”

Learn more on their website at

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