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Lean In, Ladies: The Rise of Women in Business
Category: Insights, Leadership, Tips

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of women in business. This is especially true in the corporate world, where women have made great strides in achieving leadership positions. 

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In the tech industry, women are also making their presence felt as entrepreneurs and leaders. And on boards of directors, women are increasingly being appointed to positions of power. And while there’s still room for improvement, this is good news for businesses, as studies have shown that companies with female leaders tend to be more successful.

These trends are having a positive impact on the business world, as more companies are beginning to recognize the value of diversity in the workplace.

Reasons for this Uptick in Female Representation in Business

Women in Entrepreneurship

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of women who are starting their own businesses. In fact, according to the latest statistics, nearly one-third of all businesses in the United States are now owned by women.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to this growth in female entrepreneurship. One is the increasing number of women who are working in corporate America. As more women have risen through the ranks of corporate America, they have gained the skills and confidence needed to start their own companies.

Another factor is the growing acceptance of women in traditionally male-dominated industries such as tech. As more women have entered the tech industry, they have proven that they can be successful entrepreneurs in this sector.

Finally, there is a growing trend of young women who are choosing to pursue entrepreneurship instead of traditional careers. As a female entrepreneur, it’s important to build yourself a great team to support the mission and vision of your company and that all starts with developing a strong foundation through your business strategy.

Women Owned Businesses in the Tech Industry

Despite making up a significant portion of the workforce in the tech industry, women have long been underrepresented in leadership and ownership roles. However, that is starting to change, with more and more women launching their own tech-based businesses. These female entrepreneurs are not only making their mark in the corporate world, but they are also helping to pave the way for other women to do the same.

There are many reasons why women are choosing to start their own businesses, but one of the most common is that they want to create an environment that is more conducive to their success. In a male-dominated industry like tech, it can be difficult for women to advance into leadership positions and get the recognition they deserve.

Women in Leadership Positions

As society progresses, more women are taking on leadership positions in both the corporate and tech worlds. This is due in part to the increased push for equality and diversity in the workplace.

While there is still a long way to go before true equality is reached, having more women in leadership positions is a step in the right direction. Women leaders bring a different perspective to the table and help create a more well-rounded workforce.

Having more women in leadership roles also helps to foster a more supportive environment for other women employees. Having role models in upper management can inspire other women to aim high and achieve their goals. Networking is key.

Quit Losing Talent

In efforts to continue progressing forward, more changes need to be made. Reducing female employee turnover has been a challenge for corporate America. Despite progress in recent years, businesses have yet to close the equality gap between men and women in the workforce.

There are many reasons why women leave their jobs at a higher rate than men. One reason is that they often face more obstacles in the workplace, such as discrimination and sexual harassment. Additionally, women are more likely to be caregivers for children or elderly relatives. This can make it difficult to balance work and home life.

However, there are things that businesses can do to reduce female employee turnover.

  1. Create a more diverse, supportive and inclusive environment.
    This means creating policies that support working mothers, such as flexible hours, telecommuting, health and wellness benefits, compressed work weeks and paid family leave.
  1. Address gender pay inequality.
    Another way to reduce turnover is to address pay inequality. Studies have shown that women are paid less than men for doing the same job. Women often report feeling under-valued, and over-worked in their efforts to compete with their male counterparts. In the United States, women earn about 79 percent of what men earn. The gender pay gap exists in almost every country and every industry. According CAP, the wage gap has only closed by 4 cents in the past decade. Citing “At the current pace, women are not estimated to reach pay parity with men until 2059.”
  1. Address gender obstacles and harassment immediately.
    Unfortunately women across all industries still experience sexual harassment in the workplace. Human resources and upper management need to be approachable and take measures to eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace.

If your company needs support in HR, consider hiring an HR consultant to implement a strategy for retaining the female employees your organization currently employs and establish a plan for company diversity, equality and inclusion. 

The Future of Women in Business

As the world progresses, so does the role of women in business. In the past, women have been commonly known as homemakers and caregivers. Yet, recent years have seen a significant increase in the number of women taking on leadership roles in both the corporate and tech sectors, among others. This is an encouraging sign for the future of women in business.

There are many reasons why this trend is occurring. First, there is a greater push for gender diversity in boardrooms and executive teams. Studies have shown that companies with a more diverse management team tend to perform better than those who don’t. Secondly, more and more women are getting degrees in business and economics. They are also pursuing careers in fields such as technology, which were once dominated by men.

Thirdly, women in leadership roles, both knowingly and unknowingly,  serve as role models for women aspiring to scale their own career. Women networking and connecting with each other to support the mission of equality in corporate culture is essential to the future of women in business.

This shift is likely to continue in the coming years.

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