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Driving Manufacturing Success Through Targeted Investments
Category: Finance, Innovation, Operations, People & HR, Startups, Technology
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The manufacturing sector is rapidly evolving. New technologies like automation, artificial intelligence, and data analytics are reshaping operations and workflows. At the same time, finding skilled talent remains an ongoing challenge. For manufacturers to stay competitive, targeted investments in technology, training, and partnerships are key.

This post explores practical strategies manufacturers can leverage to fund and support their digital transformation.

Upgrading technology and upskilling staff requires investment. Fortunately, manufacturers can access several financial resources to offset costs:

Once funding is secured, focus on reskilling existing staff on new systems before considering new hires. Optimize productivity and continuity through:

  • Apprenticeships
    Pair younger and veteran employees together. Hands-on learning from experienced internal mentors builds trust and skills.
  • Training Bootcamps
    Conduct intensive onboarding sessions tailored to your new tools and processes. Ensure everyone understands updated workflows.
  • External Development
    Supplement with skills training programs through local colleges, trade schools, and government partnerships. Fill specific gaps.

Automating repetitive tasks and integrating analytics unlocks huge potential. But a phased, iterative approach is advised.

  • Workflow Analysis
    Map processes and identify automation opportunities through observation, data collection, and speaking with staff.
  • Pilot Projects
    Test automation on a small scale before broad implementation. Use pilots to prove value and refine systems.
  • Change Management
    Involve staff early and communicate benefits. Support job transitions or repurposing where automation displaces roles.
  • Continuous Improvement
    Once implemented, keep optimizing systems. Use data to tweak workflows. Maintain agility.
Focused businesswoman working on laptop in office

Tools like Make and Zapier make it easy to automate repetitive tasks and connect apps without coding. Make provides a visual workflow builder to automate processes across apps and data. Zapier offers pre-built integrations and templates to instantly connect web services.

With drag-and-drop simplicity, manufacturers can:

  • Sync data between business systems like ERP, MES and QMS
  • Automate inventory management and reordering
  • Collect production data and generate reports
  • Standardize order processing and fulfillment
  • Automatically update maintenance logs
  • Streamline HR onboarding processes  
  • Connect sales data to forecasting and planning

The right automations save countless hours wasted on manual work. With Make and Zapier, custom workflows bridge gaps between siloed systems and processes. Templates jumpstart automation while allowing customization to fit unique needs.

Transformation takes a multi-pronged strategy focused on people, processes, and technology. With the right funding model, training programs, and strategic technology investments, manufacturers can drive digitization and secure a competitive edge.

What change initiatives make sense for your organization? Reach out to discuss your roadmap.

Are you a manufacturer in the midst of change?

Join our exclusive online event on Wed, June 5th to hear from our panel of experts about topics critical to your success:

  • Focus on Productivity with Anders Nielsen, Operational Excellence Coach
  • Focus on Funding, Training/Reskilling, Tech/AI/Automation with Jon Irwin, Funding & Technology Expert
  • Focus on Small Business with Sofia Aziz, Small Business Strategist

Register today on Eventbrite!

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You’re invited to our upcoming online event!

Is your manufacturing company about to embark upon a digital transformation?
Connect with Technology & Funding Expert Jon to discuss how he can help you find and implement the funding and programs needed to succeed.

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