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5 Reasons Your Business Needs a Financial Model sqaure

5 Reasons Your Business Needs a Financial Model

A financial model is a representation of the company’s future performance. Use projections, assumptions and formulas to build a business model that calculates how your company will grow. A properly built model can help you communicate with lenders, investors and other stakeholders. This article will explain...
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Category: Advice, Finance, Planning, Resources, Small Business, Strategy, Tips
July 12, 2022
3 Easy Customer Segmentation Tips For SaaS Startups square

3 Easy Customer Segmentation Tips For SaaS Startups

Different customers have different individual needs. Though they may come to you for one particular service, what they need from that service and their added daily value differs from customer to customer. Read more about customer segmentation and why it matters. ...
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Category: Marketing, Small Business, Startups, Strategy
Blog Cansulta KPIs square

Defining Meaningful KPIs To Measure The Success Of Your Startup

Key performance indicators are a crucial way to measure the success of your startup. Defining vital KPIs are a must-have, but they’re also easy to mess up. You need to know how to define the right KPIs to help you build on your data. Here’s how to find the metrics you need to move your startup in the righ...
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Category: Featured, Finance, Planning, Small Business, Startups, Strategy
March 31, 2022
Tech Tip Square

Tech Tips for Small Businesses

Technology has the potential to transform a business--from streamlining operations and increasing efficiencies, to providing that much-needed competitive edge. Here are four simple tips to put technology to work for your business--without getting swept away by it!...
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Category: Advice, Innovation, Resources, Technology, Tips
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